Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 12...

This picture was taken at 3:00 this morning! We were awakened to Elijah coming to our room saying he doesn't feel well and then proceed to spew on my leg and hand....yuck!!! Well after getting everything cleaned up, we looked outside and saw a ton of wet snow falling, so I had to snap it and then head back to bed. After waking "for real" this time, I looked out and saw HUGE flakes falling. This made me nervous because it was finally the day of the cantata; I wondered if my choir people would be able to make it in and if they did would anyone else want to come out in this?? I was pleasantly surprised on both counts! The choir did great and so did all the kids!  When it was time to leave, I finally realized it had been snowing all morning.  The parking lot was crazy, the cars were covered, but the back woods were gorgeous!!  I love the snow, so beautiful, so just makes me happy.  I snapped a few pics of my niece and nephew, then of the woods and Yonni and Elijah, and then we spent the majority of the afternoon with some friends staying warm inside and enjoying each others company.  It made me get excited about Christmas break and being able to just chill!

1 comment:

Barbie said...

lovely pictures! The one of Yoni in the woods is so cool!