Monday, May 5, 2008

Our Newest Neice

I debated making this post, so I hope my sister doesn't mind too much. I am just excited. My sister gave birth to her 3rd child yesterday afternoon, a beautiful baby girl. We have never lived near one of our siblings when they actually had their baby. It was so awesome to actually go see the baby in the hospital and spend a little time with her mom, even though it was a bit hectic and I am sure overwhelming for her.
It definitely is a wonderful thing to be a part of. The whole way to the hospital I psyched myself up and told myself, "I'm not going to cry". The first time we visited, she was in the nursery getting cleaned up, so I held it together quite well. But who am I kidding, when we came back a couple hours later and I held this little one, I got a little overwhelmed. She was precious and memories flooded back to when Elijah was that small. It was nice to remember those moments, because sometimes its hard to think he was that small. It was great and I can't wait to see her grow up just like the rest of Elijah's 9 cousins. Wow, 10 cousins total...that is pretty cool.
Don't know what Scott was thinking, but I know it made me want our child so much more. We know we can get up to a 3 year old, so it just makes me hope that they are OK and being taken care of. It definitely puts me in a humble spirit, praying God's blessing and protection on them each and every day and keep trusting that His ways are best.

Rain, Rain Go Away...

This past Saturday was the 3rd week of games in our Upward Soccer League. Week 1 had a gorgeous game day. Week 2 threatened thunderstorms, but they held of until after all the games were done at 1pm. Then there was Week 3! Rain, rain, and more rain. Not only was it rain, but it was pretty chilly as well. The worst part was that there were no actual Thunder/storm cells, so the games played on. Here are a few pics of the day.
I was completely shocked Elijah made it. He usually does not like to get dirty, so when he took his first fall in the mud I thought, "OK, now it's over!" To my surprise, he got up, showed me the mud on his socks, and kept on going. I did feel sorry for the only girl on his team (above) she was not too happy.
