Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 14...

Today started out with a 2-hour snow delay. On the plus side, I always enjoy those because it gives Yonni and I a little extra time with Elijah...On the down side, he doesn't get to school until 11:00pm, so half the day is already gone by then. After school was out, I rushed my boys out in the cold to snap a Christmas card picture in the snow. Hmm, it was a bit too cold, but I think we got a winner! (unless I change my mind, the one below is 2nd place)  After that we surprised the boys with a matinee of Narnia:Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  They were excited, and really enjoyed the movie.  I liked it, but wow, they took a lot of liberties from the book!  Anywho, that was our day in a nutshell.


Mom to many said...

Sounds like a great movie - maybe? Love the cool shades in the pictures and now I am hungry for movie popcorn!

leililan said...

i would like to say, that it isn't the lighting. he's white beard.