Thursday, September 3, 2009

mmm...blueberry pancakes

Growing up in the Baker family you had to become a lover of pancakes. My dad always made the pancakes and prided in the fact they were the size of the plate they were served on. I must say, I don't make pancakes as often as I had them growing up, but when I do, I remember how good they really are.
Since stumbling on Bakerella's blog I have become a huge fan, so it was no surprise when she posted the Blueberry Cornmeal Pancakes and Orange Maple Butter, I had to try them out on my boys. The picture actually came from her link...

Well, I made mine this morning and they didn't come out quite as glorious as hers I didn't stack like 15 on top of each other, but they were yummy. So, final thoughts would be if your into pancakes and want to try a different spin on an 'ol favorite...try these out!

Monday, August 31, 2009

My little dude's a Kindergardner!!

Well, the moment finally arrived. After dwelling on it all last week, not believing it was actually happening....the day came to go to school. I broke down a little last night while ironing his shirt, which btw will not be a regular thing!! Scott told me this was the next step in this process called parenthood. I agreed, but it still didn't make it easier. I told him it felt like the beginning of the end. He laughed and said we still have 13 more years before he's out of here. Anyway, based on last night I was not looking forward to today, but as I awoke to the beautiful sunshine and crisp autumn air God just put a peace in my heart...and I made it the whole day without crying!!!

Elijah was a bit nervous of the unknown, so I am so excited to hear how it went! Here a few pics from this morning...