Sunday, January 17, 2010

My little guy is Three today!!!

It's so hard to believe...not so much that he is three but that a year has almost gone by. One year ago we had yet to hold him in our arms and smother him in kisses. Instead we were at home wishing the next 2 weeks would fly by and we would be in Addis Ababa with him. I remember crying silently to myself on the eve of his birthday last year, wishing I was there with him. I said, a year has gone by and we are finally able to celebrate a birthday with our son!

Yonni, you have blessed my life in so many ways this past year. You have stretched me into becoming a better mom and given me an even more exciting journey to be on. You have grown so much since I first laid eyes on you. It is so fun to see the world through your little but very smart mind. I love and need to appreciate more your curiosity for the small things! I hope I have not already taken for granted your bright eyes and beautiful smile that you greet me with every single morning. I hope that I always cherish your sweet kisses that you give me at least 100 times a day. I pray I never forget how I felt the moment I saw you coming down those stairs and then how it felt when you were placed in my arms. You are such a blessed gift from Heaven to your brother, your father and to me and that is what I am thankful for everyday! I love you little guy!! Happy Birthday!!


Gretchen Magruder said...

so very sweet!!

Eric and Allyson said...

Happy Birthday Yonni!

leililan said...

happy birthday!!!
oh, present is in the mail, from a amazon... like always!
miss you guys!

Annie said...

Aw, sweet Yonni!!! Happy, Happy Birthday :)